Recently, I saw the new Indian film released in the cinemas here called Dangal. The movie is based on the true life story of a family in rural India. It’s a story of a father who taught wrestling to his two older daughters. The father is a hugely talented but poor amateur wrestler who was forced to give up wrestling in order to get a job to sustain himself and his family.
His dream was to win an international gold medal for India and vows that his son will do what he could not achieve despite his great talent and hard work in wrestling. However, as it turns out, his wife gives birth to four daughters and he must relinquish his great dream. One day when his daughters return home after having thrashed two boys quite severely, he realises that his daughters could become wrestlers and indeed turn his dream into reality.
The entire village thinks he has lost his mind. In order to prepare them, the father takes the girls to wrestling tournaments and they must wrestle boys at these events as there are no female wrestlers or female wrestling events. This shocks the entire community even further, but the girls start to win and gain recognition.